Cannot claim ONG? Want to request ONG? Check this topic

Hi, i cant send ont or claim ong, my address is AKZQDaQas234bXuEr7e3xPoYST53SX29Rc

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Hi there
Here is my ont Address:



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ecris ca a la fin. Hi Can you help me claim ONG? my wallet : AcC6pDgXAAXT7Y5sPHpvucRCpztRRKc6gN

Hello, your claimable amount is too small to be able to claim anything. Please wait longer (until you have more than say 0.1 ONG to claim) or increase the amount of ONT you hold so you generate ONG faster.

Please send ONG to that address so I can claim gas.

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Thank you very much! I can reimburse if u like just let me know. Also quick question, not that you may know but why the unbound portion of ONG that you cant claim till I buy more or transfer more ONT. Just seems strange that it would be set up this way.

No that’s all right, but thank you anyway for the offer :slight_smile:
Regarding the unbound ONG, this is the same as in NEO but in NEO there are no transaction fees (as of now) so it won’t cost you any money. Either way that is why we have the sync button in the O3 wallet, technically that just sends 1 ONT to yourself to make the unbound claimable.

I need also some ONG to make my first claim.
This is my address:


Thank you


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If this option is still available I’d like the ONG in order to make my claim



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Can I please get some ONG so that I can send my ONT thanks.

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Can I please get some ONG so that I can start doing some transactions. Thanks in advance!

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Hello !
I also need some ONG to make my first claim.
This is my address:


Thank you very much !

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Sent you some ONG but your amount of ONT and claimable amount of ONG is very small. I would suggest to claim once and then you will have to wait until you have more than 0.05 claimable ONG. Otherwise you lose more then you will gain

You do not seem to have any ONT or ONG so we cannot send you any. If you have an address that holds ONT but no ONG to make any claims then we’d be happy to help!

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What is the minimum needed ONT to get started?

Edit: I have now some ONT. Can I receive ONG?
Thank you

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Hello, I have read the post, but I don’t have any ONG for my first claim, can you give me some ?
Here is my address : ASZz4nxLpGp4yV4U8xzcbrWFZqmYu8rRfF

Thank you and have a nice day.

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Hello. Just heard about this great community for o3. Could you please help with the necessary Ong so I may claim my Ong ?
Here is my address and thanks again being so helpfull, it’s rare to see such an active community.


Thanks guys.

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Thank you very much. Great and efficient community! Love that spirit. ++

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I just bought some ONT on Binance, and created a wallet on O3. Love the UI so far…
Someone please help me to get some ONG :frowning: AJmihiyykgv6Fwt9fD9Yk1vVwCaB8tydCT

Thanks a lot!

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Hello, your address seems to be empty. After depositing your ONT into O3 and you have accumulated some claimable ONG please let us know and we can send you some to make your first claim.