Help! no gas, cant send neo

I used to get a lot of gas now none and it won’t claim or send out neo

I haven’t been able to claim GAS for a week and the last time it claimed it and reset the accumulation back to zero it didn’t actually give it to me, it just disappeared. I can send and receive NEO though. Just a GAS issue for me. Hope it gets ironed out soon.


Sorry for the late reply. We are aware there is an issue with claiming GAS and sending tokens at the moment and are working on it.
It has to do with the NEON wallet and Neoscan APIs, which we are using. Your actual GAS is safe, it’s just not showing correctly.

Please bear with us while we get it solved. Just try every few hours to see if it’s working again. Once the issue is solved, please try to claim GAS twice and then all the previous GAS will also show up.

Kind Regards,
Arco @ O3

Gas again not synching, not showing up. Starting about twelve hours ago…


Apologies, NEL API is facing some issues. We are in touch with them to get it fixed and are working to move the GAS claiming to our own infrastructure so we can more easily prevent these things from happening.

Stay tuned, should be fixed in the next 12 hours. All the GAS you cannot see right now will be claimable after it’s back up.

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