I can not send ontology from my 03 wallet to my Binance account

As explained you can use your private key to log into ONTO and transfer from there. Also an update for O3 which will enable sending ONT is coming in the next 2 days. Don’t worry, nothing is locked up.

When update??

When update? When moon? When Lambo? :full_moon_with_face:

Sorry, to get to the point, we’re working on the update as explained before.

Update including sending ONT/ONG, and claiming ONG function will be released today in the next 12 hours.

Update including sending ONT/ONG will be live today.
Update with claiming ONG will be live by Friday.

We don’t like to wait either, but we’re also waiting on approval for the apps which just takes a while.

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Is this done now? Can I send my ONT?

Hi there, yes on Android you can send ONT/ONG and Claim ONG.
On iOS you can now send ONT/ONG and claiming is coming soon.

Just make sure you have the latest version from the app store.

Hello Arco, thank you for your message! I have update my o3 wallet one hour ago, but I still can’t sent my ONT to binance… Do you know if some things are going wrong?

Hi there, do you have any ONG in your wallet? Ontology transactions cost 0.01 ONG, so if you don’t have ONG you cannot send…

Check this thread:

no I don’t…same as NEO… thank you for your quick response!

From tomorrow, Ontology will take out the fee for claiming ONG temporarily. So if you have ONT in your wallet, you can claim ONG for free, then use that ONG to send your tokens. We’re not sure about the exact time that the claiming fee will go to 0 as it’s decided by Ontology, but please try tomorrow or Saturday then it should work for sure.

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How long is the transaction suppose to take??

Ontology is super fast, so it should be about 5 seconds. I don’t think the ONG claiming fees are set to 0 yet, will probably be done later today. Sending fee will remain so you need to have 0.01 ONG first to be able to send.

Ok, but is it tomorrow also free to claim or only later today?

Yeah it will be not only today but for a longer period. It’s still not live yet, we’re waiting on Ontology now. Please stay tuned!

Hello Arco, is it correct that I cannot claim my Neo gas because the claim for ONG + Gas for Ontology is still in my screen?

You should be able to claim! For Ontology you would need to have 0.01 ONG as that is the network fee set by Ontology for claiming ONG/sending.

ok, thanks!
Where can I buy 0,01 ONG? Or should I wait until I can claim ONG for free in ONG wallet?
I think I can’t buy ONG on Binance…

Can you send me a message at support@o3.network with your wallet address?

Hi Support,

I am trying to transfer some ONT from my wallet to a different 03 wallet and also exchange however it says insufficient ONG balance. My ONT stake should have earned enough ont gas to have supported this and also I can’t see my ONG balance. Please help.

Please check this topic:

You actually don’t have enough ONG yet (or so I assume) in your wallet, it’s just claimable. If you do not have any ONG in your wallet then you cannot claim or send. Post your address in the topic above and we can send you some ONG to get started.

I will close this topic as it’s a bit older.