I encountered Ledger problems. What shall I do?

If you are seeing error messages like ‘Transaction too big for Ledger to sign’ or ‘There was an error signing this transaction on Ledger’, we have two solutions.

Solution 1 :

O3 have released a UTXO manager to assist Ledger hardware wallet users when they met ‘Transaction too big for Ledger to sign’ or ‘there was an error signing this transaction on Ledger…’.

Solution 2 :

For Ledger users who use cross chain Wrapper in Flamingo, if your cross chain transaction were stuck and received a warning ‘too large to sign’, please follow the below steps:

  1. Keep your MetaMask wallet connected with Flamingo Wrapper.

  2. Create a new address on O3 Wallet desktop, and send at least 0.1 GAS to the new address.

  3. Connect the new address to Wrapper.

  4. Restore the minimized Pending status bar, click on ‘Confirm’ to complete your transaction.

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