iOS users please update to 1.3.5!

If you use iOS please download the latest version from the app store.
This will not solve the problems yet, but will help us to solve them faster!

Thank you for your understanding.

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1.3.5 should now allow for gas claims and transactions of all tokens

Still cant claim any gas, gas generation isnt showing at all

Hi, I can’t send SWH for the token swap.

Well done. It’s a lot better now. But still can’t claim gas and add new tokens.

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@IskAnt, tokens now appear automatically if you have them in your wallet. We’re working on a new discover section that will have all tokens listed where and you can learn more about them

In regards to gas claim, we’re still working out a few kinks on our API, so check back later and it should be ok.

Looks like claiming is working now. Thanks guys!