ONG Redemption Issue in OWallet

Dear Admin/Support,

May I ask guidance on the below?

I have 2 separate (paper) OWallets, each address has 2 stakes on separate nodes so 4 stakes/nodes in total.

In order to redeem my “Rewards” and “Unbound ONG” I clicked on: “Node Stake”==>“Stake Authorization”==>“My Stake”==>“Individual Wallet”==>“Node(s)”==>“Redeem Rewards”==>“Redeem Unbound ONG”.

Spending password was input with confirmation pop-up for all 4 stakes.

Now, all my 4 stakes show Zero “Rewards” and Zero “Unbound ONG”, but I only received ONG from the first 2 stakes. Although the “Rewards” and “Unbound ONG” now showing Zero on all 4 stakes. So it looks like the redeemed ONG from 2 stakes have vanished.

Reading other threads on this forum, I tried transferring ONT+ONG onto the wallets to see if it would “unlock” the ONG redemption but to no avail.

Did I miss anything?

Thank you for your time.

Kind Regards,

Hello Thomas,

I am afraid we can’t really help you with that. We are O3 Wallet, an independent company with wallet software for NEO and Ontology. OWallet that you are using is created and managed by Ontology and the staking that you are using is also part of their wallet.

I would recommend you to check with the Ontology team in their Telegram channel or by contacting them directly by email.

Kind Regards,

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