Token resent problem

Hi, I just tried make a transaction and was told it was failed, then I resent the tokens and it worked, while when I checked my wallet, the amount has been sent twice. I wonder why would a “failed” transaction be successfully sent?

hash: 8f673e2ec16a89d2cbc71bae0dba8e62ef510bf361d3d60bffa9503f4a11085d

Strange. What platform was this on? Android, iOS, or Desktop?

iOS, I have contact the person received the extra tokens, and she send them back. But pls take a look at this problem, since it may cause terrible results. Thx.

Thank you for this report, we will investigate this

Just to give you an update on the issue, we believe a neo-python node may have a bug where, the transaction is added to the mempool, but an improper failure response is relayed back to the client.

We have removed this node from our list of nodes that is possible to connect to