Few recommendations

Hello O3 team! Thank you for all you do!

So I know you guys are busy but had a few ideas that you may entertain.

  1. Can we implement a NEO <—-> CNEO exchange option within O3? This may help with the annoying withdraw issue with fractional NEO in the contract balance of Switcheo. Switcheo of course would have to add CNEO as a trading pair. Not sure how feasible this would be but to me it makes the most sense considering it’ll be divisible.

  2. Can we add NFT support for both NEO & ONT :grin:

  3. Can ONT staking be considered as well, or at least access to an already staked profile. Maybe an API or through our ONT ID. Would be cool to be able to participate in the candybox events via O3, since I’m not a huge fan of the onto app/Owallet.


Hey Justin, thanks for your ongoing support for O3 :smiley:

Actually NEO - CNEO and GAS -CGAS conversion is something that we are looking into but it’s a bit complicated with the way it works. Very good idea with CNEO on Switcheo though, when we get the conversion working we will discuss with Switcheo as well if this is feasible to get it as a pair on there :slight_smile:

NFT is definitely something that we will be supporting, as well as the ONT stake and ONT ID. All of these things are high on our priority list but they both take a bit more time then we initially thought, and we have one other important feature coming up on mobile that has been taking up most of hour time the past few weeks. We hope to release that new feature this month and then move on to some of these things above!


Woohoo! this is exciting. You guys are awesome :slight_smile: