I can't send to NEO another wallet

for crashed app.

ios11.3.1,iphone10 and 8



Sorry for the late reply. We are aware there is an issue with claiming GAS and sending tokens at the moment and are working on it.
It has to do with the NEON wallet and Neoscan APIs, which we are using. Your actual GAS is safe, it’s just not showing correctly.

Please bear with us while we get it solved. Just try every few hours to see if it’s working again. Once the issue is solved, please try to claim GAS twice and then all the previous GAS will also show up.

Kind Regards,
Arco @ O3



Thank you for using our app.

We keep running into trouble with GAS claims and sending transactions since about a week ago. We are going to have to do some major maintenance to fix this, which will take about 2 days. We’re very sorry but claiming GAS and sending tokens will most likely not be available for another 2 days. Hopefully we have everything up and running again by Thursday or Friday.

For claiming GAS, you can claim after everything is working again. You will not miss out on any GAS even if your balance is not showing correctly.

If you need to send tokens we suggest the following:
-Backup your private key (very important otherwise you lose all your funds!!)
-Use private key to login to either NEON wallet or neotracker.io
-Send tokens
-After 2 days we update O3 and you can use all functions on O3 again

Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience.

Kind Regards,
Arco @ O3

谢谢 更新后钱包可以转到别的钱包了。但是今早我再次用钱包转gas的时候 又出现了 错误,跟上次一模一样


Did you get the newest version of the app? We released a new one just yesterday.
Sending tokens and claiming gas should work again on this new update.
If it still doesn’t work, please send an e-mail to support@o3.network including what phone you use, which version of the app you are on and your wallet address.

Thank you!

很感谢你的回复 我会找出自身的问题 对你的打扰还望海涵


我的手机是安卓机,好像我的钱包还是1.6.0的版本 , 能给我一个新钱包的下载地址吗?


就在刚才,我的好伙伴告诉我 他的钱包没有问题!我在想是不是安卓的手机一旦出现类似的错误就会一直这样。感觉自己好滑稽

十分抱歉,我无法发送邮件到您的网络,我只能在这里给你回复 我的钱包还是不能够完成发出,和上一次一样。我不知道您们更新是否连带着安卓的一起更新 或者说 我发出gas之后 ,数量没有更新过来!而导致的。在这里,我其实有很多疑惑,为什么相同版本的钱包,IOS的可以 ,安卓的就不行,就出了一个小错误之后就一直这样!我很苦恼。我的钱包版本是1.6.0.1钱包的地址是;AeLcA2vEhuMQ9i8tvnR2XmqFkiU8NZ6tnw 电话是:17673268633

Hello, we are now uploading the new .apk file on our website.
Please go to https://o3.network/ and click the button to download version 1.6.7
That should solve the issue.