O3 Wallet not showing ASA Asura coins

Hi O3

Yesterday my wallet showed my ASA Asura coins, and today it isnt , i cant see any transactions done, so im not to sure what has happened

Regards Brodie

Hi Brodie,

Can you check if you see them now?
If not, can you please give me your wallet address, which platform you are on (mobile/desktop and which type), and which version of the app you are on?

Kind Regards,

Checked now and still no go mate

Here is my Address


im on the Iphone App and windows, v2.70 for the app and v2.04 for the desktop app

Hi arco, i have a similar problem i can’t see my asa coin in the wallet but can see those on trading account.

I sent you a little bit of ASA and the rest should show up as well now, please check!

Can you also give me your wallet address?