ONT is not generating ong

my ont has not generated ong in a few days. can u help me?
my address AHz1uriK66BchYdkovP2ReYj7dgAErSMmw

Hello, can you try to send 1 ONT to yourself? That should solve the problem.
Can you also let us know whether you are on iOS or Android (or on desktop)?

hi i have the same problem but i cannot send 1 not to myself from the wallet i am using a mac pc

Hello, sorry we found the problem. Ontology changed their API without us knowing. If you download the latest version of the desktop wallet it should be solved. Please download from: https://o3.network
Updates from Apple and Windows app stores will follow, they are currently under review by Apple/Microsoft.

So the app will update itself?

If you have downloaded and installed it from the official Apple app store or Windows 10 store yes, but if you manually downloaded it it will not update itself. Then you will have to download the newest version from the O3 website (https://o3.network)

Thanks. any time frame for windows app?

We hope within now and 12 hours, but Microsoft is always the slowest so can’t really say…

Thanks i had the same question but O3 never answered me, but I downloaded the new update ad the ONG is there in my wallet.

Hey there, sorry about that. Just wondering where you posted the question? We normally try to answer all questions we receive…!