Unable to send Neo iOS

Hi there
I am trying to send Neo to another address and it says I can’t (iPhone iOS app). This is annoying as I need to do this ASAP. Please can you advise when the app’s services will be back running?? Thank you

Hi nothing is working in the app, I can’t claim gas either. Screen just shuts down and says ‘please try again later something went wrong’.

Hello, it should be working. Can you let me know what version of the app you are on?
Also, can you try turning off your wifi and just send with regular cellular network?

Hiya thanks for your quick reply. I can claim ONG and am on the latest version. 2.0.1
Despite it saying that it didn’t work, bizarrely it did actually send so problem partly resolved.
It won’t let me claim gas though and says ‘something went wrong try again later’.

Instead of pushing ‘Claim’. Can you try to send all your NEO to your own address? (make sure it’s not a different address otherwise your NEO is gone…)

Let me know if that works or not. It should put the claimable GAS in your wallet.

It’s working now thank you!

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